AT ONE VOICE MENTORING INSTITUTE . . . we help people who want to get more out of life discover what they are called to do . . . and we then give them the tools they need to live a more meaningful, purpose-filled life. We understand what it is like to need the confidence or knowledge to reach your true potential.
Our team of mentors comprises individuals from a full spectrum of backgrounds in ministry and business. With decades of combined experience as preachers, teachers, leadership developers, mentors, worship leaders, and humanitarian advocates, this team represents a broad collection of backgrounds varying in age, culture, leadership, and Christian maturity that can help guide you on your quest for a life with more purpose and direction.
Built upon over 40 years of ministerial experience from Cheryl Grayson and guided by Biblical principles, Arise America hosts leadership conferences and seminars where attendees gain tools to awaken their true identity as sons and daughters of God, access the keys of the Kingdom, and assemble in unity.
Just as the spokes of a wheel converge on the hub—Jesus—the Body of Christ converges around Him to move forward in His purposes. We are committed to breaking down barriers and building strong relationships between churches, ministries, and believers, empowering the Bride of Christ to advance together as a "Warrior Bride" in the Spirit of Psalm 68:17. Through our gatherings and trainings, we focus on: • Awakening True Identity – Understanding the rights, privileges, authority, and responsibility of our sonship in Christ (2 Cor. 6:18). • Accessing Kingdom Authority – Receiving and applying the keys of the Kingdom (Mark 16:19) to open doors and walk in our callings. • Assembling the Body in Unity – Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:1-6, 13) and work together to bring in the Great Harvest
IN YEAR ONE ... the focus is primarily on "SELF". At One Voice Mentoring Institute ... we believe that healthy ministers make healthy ministry. Your FIRST YEAR with One Voice will be spent on conference calls with another year one mentee and a One Voice facilitator as you study and discuss a carefully chosen series of books designed to help you better understand yourself and others. You will also have opportunities to discuss and take assessments to help you better understand your behaviors, your natural tendencies and ways of thinking, your Spiritual Gifts, and your emotional intelligence. A Ministry Path Advisor and your facilitator will have periodic one-on-one discussions with you to ensure that you are getting precisely what you need as an individual. With real-life application as the focus of these study materials, YEAR ONE is your starting point for the journey of personal growth and awareness necessary for you as a Christian and a mature adult in your Life and Ministry.
C - Clarifying, Challenging Character, and Changing
H - Healthy
A - Alignment
F - Freedom
F - Fortified
IN YEAR TWO ... ABLE is where you learn to effectively balance your ministry and your personal life, emphasizing real life application and introducing what it means to be an effective LEADER. IN YEAR TWO, the focus shifts slightly away from understanding yourself to better understanding what it takes to "SERVE" in a ministry capacity. Through the same conference call and discussion format as YEAR ONE, mentees will be reading books and exploring the personal sacrifices and commitments that ministry requires and the importance of maintaining a healthy balance between your ministry and your individual and family lives. With continued emphasis on real-life application, you will begin looking more closely at what it means to be an effective LEADER and FOLLOWER in the world of ministry while being mindful of your own relational and Spiritual Health. Your Ministry Path Advisor and facilitator will check in with you regularly to see that you are on track and getting what you need out of the program.
A - Aware
B - Balanced
L - Learning and Leading
E - Effective
IN YEAR THREE ... you will begin developing as a leader in your chosen track of General Leadership, Ministerial Leadership, or our Ordination Program. YEAR THREE'S readings and studies strongly focus on developing and applying leadership principles, theories, and practices that will help you become a more effective leader in your life, your job, and your ministry. Whether you are already operating in your field of ministry or are preparing to "STEP INTO IT" . . . these lessons will be invaluable in helping you maintain a healthy God perspective as you grow in your effectiveness as a leader and as a representative of God's Kingdom. As always, your Ministry Path Advisor and facilitator will be working closely with you at every STEP of the way.
S - Surrendered
I - Intensified
F - Freedom
T - Targeted Trajectory
YEAR FOUR ... is a combination of book study and practicum. As you continue your growth and learning as a leader, One Voice will work to position you with a mentor in your "SPECIFIC" field of ministry. This year, you can work directly with a member of our mentoring team as they train you in the hands-on world of ministry. When possible, we will help arrange for you to serve under this mentor as an intern in their program or ministry. If distance is a prohibiting factor, then mentoring will occur through phone calls and other checking methods, and training will be arranged between you and the mentor. Expect to be pushed, challenged, and held accountable. This is what you've been working toward. You did it! Now, it's time to use all you have learned over these last THREE YEARS!
I - Intern
N - Now
T - Training
E - Expansive
R- Reaching
N- Nations
One Voice Mentoring Institute is a commission directive from God. It was birthed in a season of prayer out of the Scripture in Luke 10:2, which says, "He told them, 'The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field." One Voice is a systematic approach to searching out harvest leaders who will, in turn, raise other harvesters through Biblical discipleship and mentoring who are passionate about shaking up the status quo and laying hold of the Kingdom. Matthew 11:12: "From the days of John the Baptist until now, the kingdom of heaven has been forcefully advancing, and forceful men lay hold of it."
Under the direction of Cheryl Grayson, the Institute is based upon the foundation of the Great Commission of Christ in its two-fold purpose. First, to know and preach the un-compromised Word of God; and second, to make disciples of all nations. The Institute's purpose is to work with people's individual callings, giftings, and vision and connect them in Biblical pattern to the whole, working, and functioning Body of Christ and to produce harvesters who are solid in the Word and have the heart of a revivalist to bring in the last day harvest for the rest of their days.
One evening, Cheryl shared God's vision with a small group of close friends and advisors. As they sat around discussing the vision, the unifying thought that became the basis for our mission was the importance of raising people who would share the Gospel in a way that reflected one familiar Voice that accurately represents the scriptural basis for the Great Commission. It was from this common desire that the name One Voice Mentoring Institute came into being.
Each participant in OVMI will be working one-on-one with a Ministry Path Advisor who is there to help ensure that they are getting the most that they can out of the OVMI experience. One Voice Mentoring Institute's yearly curriculum comprises a mixture of live and video teachings, required course reading and discussion (through bi-monthly conference calls and assigned homework), and service hours.
The bi-monthly conference calls will be with other participants and a trained facilitator. During these calls, they will discuss the assigned readings and how they apply the lessons to their lives. They will also share information about their own experiences and ministries. Conferences and celebrations are intentionally planned to allow participants to meet other participants, facilitators, and officers within the organization. We want to be able to put names to faces and be involved in your growth as a minister in the Kingdom of God.
1. Acceptance of Guidelines: By serving within OVMI as a leader, mentee, or volunteer, you agree to abide by these ethical guidelines and core values.
2. Accountability & Correction: In cases of non-compliance, OVMI leadership will address concerns through prayerful consideration, counsel, and, if necessary, disciplinary measures.
3. Ongoing Review: These guidelines and values may be updated as the ministry grows and adapts. All members will be informed of any changes.
OVMI is committed to representing Christ with honor and integrity.
We believe adhering to these ethical guidelines and core values can effectively reach the lost, disciple believers, and bring glory to God in all we do.