Virgin birth - Matthew 1:23 Bible is the infallible, inspired Word of God - 2 Timothy 3:16 Salvation through the shed blood of Christ for the remission of sin - Matthew 26:28 Water Baptism - as a public declaration of a new life in Jesus Christ - 1 Cor 12:13; Rom. 6:4 Communion – Matthew 26:8; I Cor 11 – remembering the instruction of Christ Healing – through the shed blood of Christ, through faith - Isaiah 53:5 Pentecostal expression – Acts 2:1-4 Resurrection of Christ -1 Corinthians 15:11-20 Rapture of believers - 2 Thessalonians 4:13-18 Reign with Christ - 2 Peter 3:13; Revelations chapters 21-22 Our mandate is to provide a healing atmosphere for those who have been affected by spiritual abuse, disappointment, and dismissal, causing them to either retreat from ministry or to minister in isolation. We provide accountability, fellowship, and advocacy for ministers to be sent forth with integrity. We affirm the governmental Five-Fold Ministry gifts and . . . the nine gifts of the Spirit.
VISION STATEMENT: Find and develop like-minded believers who will do whatever it takes to fulfill the will of God in bringing in His harvest.
MISSION STATEMENT: Under the direction of Cheryl Grayson, our mission is first, to know and preach the uncompromised Word of God; second, to make disciples of all nations; and third, to produce harvesters who are solid in the Word and have the heart of a revivalist to bring in the last day harvest for the rest of their days. The God-given calling of Cheryl Grayson is to fulfill the Great Commission through the uncompromised preaching of the Gospel, the Good News, that produces a harvest of souls into the Kingdom of God, and by the making of disciples through clear Biblical teaching, training, and 16 directional insight into the development and growth of individuals, churches and their leaders as . . . evidenced by signs, wonders, and miracles produced by the presence of God.
Awakening True Identity – Understanding the rights, privileges, authority, and responsibility of our sonship in Christ (2 Cor. 6:18).
Accessing Kingdom Authority – Receiving and applying the keys of the Kingdom (Mark 16:19) to open doors and walk in our callings, denominational lines to promote unity in the Body of Christ
Assembling the Body in Unity – Endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:1-6, 13) and work together to bring in the Great Harvest.
Arise America exists to equip and release believers into their God-given gifts, preparing them for the next great move of God. We believe that every follower of Christ is called to minister within their sphere of influence and that practical, lasting impact comes through unity in the Body of Christ— across cultural, generational, and denominational lines.
By partnering with local ministries nationwide, Arise America seeks to connect, train, and empower church leaders, pastors, and believers so that we may collectively gather the Great Harvest. Built upon over 40 years of ministerial experience from Cheryl Grayson and guided by Biblical principles, Arise America hosts leadership conferences and seminars where attendees gain tools to awaken their true identity as sons and daughters of God, access the keys of the Kingdom, and assemble in unity. Just as the spokes of a wheel converge on the hub—Jesus—the Body of Christ converges around Him to move forward in His purposes.
We are committed to breaking down barriers and building strong relationships between churches, ministries, and believers, empowering the Bride of Christ to advance together as a "Warrior Bride" in the Spirit of Psalm 68:17.